Microsoft AI - Hack with Figma plugin and Microsoft teams apps for AI powered research
I developed a Figma plugin to help 500+ Microsoft designers, engineers, product managers in China and US to better conduct user research by creating discussion guide and research templates. In 2023 the wave of GPT stormed tech industry. AI is important not only for Microsoft products but also the way we work. When it first came out I took the chance to practice prompt engineering. The project own Microsoft hackathon #1 place and impacted lots of people's work flow.
Here is a snippet of code using Prompt engineering and function calling in the back end for the plugin.

Empower search across previous research with AI
I soon realized that prior data is a unique value for AI to search and retrieve. At Microsoft we have thousands of data and research that has been conducted. I talked to lots of fellows inside the company, they complain that at many times their assumptions or hypothesis are already resolved in previous findings did by someone else, they just did not know it exists. This time I build a teams application that gathers all research data in Microsoft, so people can talk to it to quickly learn about everything that has been done before.